Everybody who edits on the Badge Wiki is a user. All users have certain rights, however, some users, due to exception work or status, have additional rights to assist with editing.
Administrators are users who help to run the wiki. They work to make sure the wiki is in a good condition, and helps with behind the scenes functions. They also have the same rights as other Users.
Administrator abilities[]
Administrators have the following abilities:
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass automatic blocks of proxies (proxyunbannable)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Delete comments on blog articles (blog-comments-delete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
- Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the spoofing checks (override-antispoof)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Remove messages from the ShoutBox widget (shoutboxremove)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Toggle comments on blog articles (blog-comments-toggle)
- Unblock themselves (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- achievements-explicit (achievements-explicit)
- admindashboard (admindashboard)
- blog-articles-protect (blog-articles-protect)
- commentdelete (commentdelete)
- commentedit (commentedit)
- commentmove (commentmove)
- deleteprofilev3 (deleteprofilev3)
- dumpsondemand (dumpsondemand)
- editwallarchivedpages (editwallarchivedpages)
- finishcreate (finishcreate)
- forum (forum)
- forumadmin (forumadmin)
- forumoldedit (forumoldedit)
- notifyeveryone (notifyeveryone)
- promote (promote)
- renameprofilev3 (renameprofilev3)
- specialvideosdelete (specialvideosdelete)
- themedesigner (themedesigner)
- walladmindelete (walladmindelete)
- wallarchive (wallarchive)
- walledit (walledit)
- wikianavlocal (wikianavlocal)
- wikifeatures (wikifeatures)
- Add groups: Bureaucrats, rollback and Administrators
- Remove groups: rollback, Administrators and Bots
Bureaucrat abilities[]
A bureaucrat can make other users into bureaucrats or administrators on their own wiki.
Bureaucrats can also give users the ability to "rollback" edits not made in good faith.
Becoming an administrator[]
For you to become an administrator, someone with bureaucrat access must make you one. On larger Wikia, there will usually be a community page for requests. On a smaller wiki, you may simply ask on the community portal or Forum, or ask a bureaucrat directly on his or her talk page.
If there are no active bureaucrats, use the "Requests for adminship" page to nominate users to become admins or bureaucrats. Once a community decision has been reached (or if there is no active community to debate the decision), please leave a message at the wiki adoption requests page and Wikia Staff can provide the rights.
The Adminmentor feature is a tool available to certain users. It is a way to help teach new administrators how to use their abilities. They also have the same rights as other Users.
Bots are programs run by users that can make automated edits on a wiki. They help users to make repetitive edits to many pages in order to save time. Bots have the following rights:
- Be treated as an automated process (bot)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt (nominornewtalk)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- Use of the write API (writeapi)
- welcomeexempt (welcomeexempt)
Additional information be be found here.
Global Bots[]
Global Bots are bots that are used by the Wikia Staff to perform massive tasks across all wikis. They have the following rights:
- Be treated as an automated process (bot)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- welcomeexempt (welcomeexempt)
Additional information be be found here.
Check users[]
Check users are special accounts chosen by Wikia Staff which are allowed to check IP addresses for spam and IP blockage avoiding. They have the following rights:
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
Check user global[]
Global check users can check the IP address across the the entirety of Wikia instead of just one Wiki. They have the following rights:
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
Content reviewer[]
Content reviewers review content on Wikias. They have the following rights:
- content-review (content-review)
- Add and remove the content-review group
Content volunteer[]
Content volunteers review content on Wikias. They have the following rights:
- Allows access to wiki admin tools, via Special:AdminDashboard (admindashboard)
- Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification)
- Can delete videos (specialvideosdelete)
- Can move article comments (commentmove)
- Can notify everyone about a Forum thread (notifyeveryone)
- Can toggle extensions available in Special:WikiFeatures (wikifeatures)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Create a theme for your wiki at Special:ThemeDesigner (themedesigner)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Toggle comments on blog articles (blog-comments-toggle)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- batchmove (batchmove)
- curatedcontent (curatedcontent)
- pageviews (pageviews)
- wikianavlocal (wikianavlocal)
- wteditimagelist (wteditimagelist)
Content Moderator[]
Content Moderators review content on Wikias. They have the following rights:
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Move files (movefile)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
Council Members[]
Council Members are people that have signed up for the wiki. They are just like other users, plus a few extra tools. They help to keep the wiki a safe, informative, and fun place to be. Their names are colored in black in the recent changes and history. They have the following rights:
- council (council)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Devboxpanel users have the following rights:
- devboxpanel (devboxpanel)
Fandom-editor users have the following rights:
- fandom-admin (fandom-admin)
Fandom Stars[]
- Member of the Fandom Stars program (fandom-star)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Remove group from own account: Global Discussions Moderator
Image Reviewers[]
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- notificationscms (notificationscms)
Oversighters have the following rights:
- hiderevision (hiderevision)
- oversight (oversight)
Request To Be Forgotten Tool Admin[]
- requesttobeforgotten (requesttobeforgotten)
The Rollback feature is a counter-vandalism tool available to Administrators, and users with the Rollbacker permission. The rollback feature allows a user to revert all of the edits by one user on a page, to the last edit by another user. This feature should only be used in reverting edits that are clearly vandalism. Rollback rights can be requested by contacting an administrator. They have the following rights:
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Wikia Helpers are users who volunteer to help out to fight spam. They have the following rights:
- Allows access to wiki admin tools, via Special:AdminDashboard (admindashboard)
- Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification)
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass all abusefilters (abusefilter-bypass)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Cannot be blocked (unblockable)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create interactive maps (createinteractivemap)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Create wiki-wide announcements (announcements)
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
- Delete interactive maps (deleteinteractivemap)
- Delete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit interactive maps (editinteractivemap)
- Edit pages protected as "Block new and unregistered users" (editsemiprotected)
- Edit protected pages (without cascading protection) (editprotected)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
- Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
- Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Exempt from site-wide action restrictions (protectsite-exempt)
- Find pages on many wikis (multiwikifinder)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
- Manage marker reports (moderateinteractivemap)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move interactive maps (moveinteractivemap)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Protect blog articles (blog-articles-protect)
- Quickly revert and delete spam and vandalism (quicktools)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- User is ineligible to earn achievement points (achievements-exempt)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- View title blacklist log (titleblacklistlog)
- View user edits across all Wikia (lookupcontribs)
- articlecomments:delete (articlecomments:delete)
- articlecomments:suppress (articlecomments:suppress)
- articlecomments:validate (articlecomments:validate)
- articlecomments:viewhidden (articlecomments:viewhidden)
- disablecomments (disablecomments)
- discussionslog:view (discussionslog:view)
- editinterfacetrusted (editinterfacetrusted)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- forums:create (forums:create)
- forums:delete (forums:delete)
- forums:displayorder (forums:displayorder)
- forums:edit (forums:edit)
- forums:read (forums:read)
- forums:viewhidden (forums:viewhidden)
- hideblockername (hideblockername)
- leaderboard:view (leaderboard:view)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- moderatorTools:use (moderatorTools:use)
- opengraph:create (opengraph:create)
- polls:vote (polls:vote)
- posts:create (posts:create)
- posts:delete (posts:delete)
- posts:deleteall (posts:deleteall)
- posts:edit (posts:edit)
- posts:lock (posts:lock)
- posts:report (posts:report)
- posts:superedit (posts:superedit)
- posts:suppress (posts:suppress)
- posts:validate (posts:validate)
- posts:viewhidden (posts:viewhidden)
- posts:vote (posts:vote)
- threads:create (threads:create)
- threads:delete (threads:delete)
- threads:edit (threads:edit)
- threads:lock (threads:lock)
- threads:move (threads:move)
- threads:superedit (threads:superedit)
- threads:suppress (threads:suppress)
- threads:viewhidden (threads:viewhidden)
- wall:edit (wall:edit)
- Add groups to own account: rollback, Bots and Administrators
- Remove groups from own account: rollback, Bots, Administrators and Bureaucrats
The sotdhelper has the following rights:
- moderatesotd (moderatesotd)
Wikia staff members have full access to all Wikia. They will be shown in Special:Listusers/staff on any wiki. Please use Special:Contact to contact Wikia staff. They have the following rights:
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass automatic blocks of proxies (proxyunbannable)
- Can display background tasks (taskmanager)
- Can file, view and manage e-mail based blocks (phalanxemailblock)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Can view the stafflog (stafflog)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Create and edit Platinum badges (platinum)
- Create new user accounts (createaccount)
- Delete comments on blog articles (blog-comments-delete)
- Delete many pages at one Wikia, or one page on many Wikia (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit a page on many wikis at once (multiwikiedit)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
- Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
- Edit pages (edit)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Lock and unlock the database (siteadmin)
- Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
- Manage Sponsored achievements (sponsored-achievements)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Remove a user's avatar icon (removeavatar)
- Remove messages from the ShoutBox widget (shoutboxremove)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Set the default skin (setadminskin)
- Toggle comments on blog articles (blog-comments-toggle)
- Unblock themselves (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- Use of the write API (writeapi)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- abtestpanel (abtestpanel)
- achievements-exempt (achievements-exempt)
- admindashboard (admindashboard)
- blog-articles-protect (blog-articles-protect)
- boardedit (boardedit)
- cacheepoch (cacheepoch)
- commentcsv (commentcsv)
- commentdelete (commentdelete)
- commentedit (commentedit)
- commentmove (commentmove)
- corporatepagemanager (corporatepagemanager)
- createwikilimitsexempt (createwikilimitsexempt)
- createwikimakefounder (createwikimakefounder)
- deleteprofilev3 (deleteprofilev3)
- dumpsondemand (dumpsondemand)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- editwallarchivedpages (editwallarchivedpages)
- emailsstorage (emailsstorage)
- finishcreate (finishcreate)
- forum (forum)
- forumadmin (forumadmin)
- forumoldedit (forumoldedit)
- imagereviewstats (imagereviewstats)
- imageservingtest (imageservingtest)
- licensedvideoswap (licensedvideoswap)
- marketingtoolbox (marketingtoolbox)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- messagetool (messagetool)
- minieditor-specialpage (minieditor-specialpage)
- multiwikifinder (multiwikifinder)
- notifyeveryone (notifyeveryone)
- parserspeed (parserspeed)
- performancestats (performancestats)
- promote (promote)
- renameprofilev3 (renameprofilev3)
- runjob (runjob)
- scavengerhunt (scavengerhunt)
- scribeevents (scribeevents)
- specialvideohandler (specialvideohandler)
- specialvideosdelete (specialvideosdelete)
- themedesigner (themedesigner)
- unblockable (unblockable)
- userdata (userdata)
- walladmindelete (walladmindelete)
- wallarchive (wallarchive)
- walledit (walledit)
- wallfastadmindelete (wallfastadmindelete)
- wallshowwikiaemblem (wallshowwikiaemblem)
- welcomeexempt (welcomeexempt)
- wikianavglobal (wikianavglobal)
- wikianavlocal (wikianavlocal)
- wikifeatures (wikifeatures)
- Add groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators and Bureaucrats
- Remove groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators and Bureaucrats
Users are people that have signed up for the wiki. They are just like other users, minus a few extra tools. They help to keep the wiki a safe, informative, and fun place to be. User's names are colored in black in the recent changes and history. They have the following rights:
- Create discussion pages
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages)
- Edit pages
- Mark edits as minor
- Move root user pages
- Override files on the shared media repository locally
- Overwrite existing files
- Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation
- Read pages
- Upload files
- Use of the write API
Users simply have to sign up for the wiki by clicking the following link.
Authenticated users[]
Authenticated users are people that have signed up for the wiki. They are just like other users, plus a few extra tools. They help to keep the wiki a safe, informative, and fun place to be. Their names are colored in black in the recent changes and history.
Authenticated users have access to the following abilities that are not available to most other users:
- An account which has been vetted by Wikia, as being a legitimate industry source (for example, a celebrity or a game developer) (authenticated)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Autoconfirmed users[]
Autoconfirmed users are people that have not yet signed up for the wiki. They are just like users, minus most tools for editing. They help to keep the wiki a safe, informative, and fun place to be.
Autoconfirmed users have access to the following abilities:
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- dumpsondemand (dumpsondemand)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Facebook Connect Users[]
Facebook Connect Users have the same rights as other users, except they have used Facebook Connect to join the wiki. They have the following rights:
- facebook-user (facebook-user)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
powerusers are users with no extra right over other users.
Restricted login[]
Restricted login users are those who have restrictions placed upon them to prevent certain login methods. They have the following rights:
- login-restrict-facebook (login-restrict-facebook)
- login-restrict-username-password (login-restrict-username-password)
- password-reset-restrict (password-reset-restrict)
Restricted login auto users are those who have restrictions placed upon them to prevent certain login methods. They have the following rights: login-restrict-facebook (login-restrict-facebook) login-restrict-username-password (login-restrict-username-password) password-reset-restrict (password-reset-restrict)
Restricted login exempt users are those who have restrictions placed upon them to prevent certain login methods. They have the following rights:
Vanguards are users. They have the following rights: Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification) Can notify everyone about a Forum thread (notifyeveryone) Can toggle extensions available in Special:WikiFeatures (wikifeatures) Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect) Edit the user interface (editinterface) first-edit-dialog-exempt (first-edit-dialog-exempt) Remove group from own account: Vanguards
Volunteer Developers[]
Volunteer Developers are users who assist Wikia Staff with the development of Wikia. They have the following rights:
- voldev (voldev)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
The VSTF or the Spam Task Force, are users who have global administrator abilities to prevent mass spam. They have the following rights:
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Can display background tasks (taskmanager)
- Can kick/ban users from Chat (chatmoderator)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
- Delete many pages at one Wikia, or one page on many Wikia (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Remove messages from the ShoutBox widget (shoutboxremove)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- View user edits across all Wikia (lookupcontribs)
- achievements-exempt (achievements-exempt)
- commentdelete (commentdelete)
- commentedit (commentedit)
- commentmove (commentmove)
- deleteprofilev3 (deleteprofilev3)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- editwallarchivedpages (editwallarchivedpages)
- licensedvideoswap (licensedvideoswap)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- multiwikifinder (multiwikifinder)
- notifyeveryone (notifyeveryone)
- powerdelete (powerdelete)
- quicktools (quicktools)
- renameprofilev3 (renameprofilev3)
- specialvideosdelete (specialvideosdelete)
- unblockable (unblockable)
- walladmindelete (walladmindelete)
- wallarchive (wallarchive)
- walledit (walledit)
- wallfastadmindelete (wallfastadmindelete)
- welcomeexempt (welcomeexempt)
- Add groups: rollback and Bots
- Remove groups: rollback and Bots
- Add group to own account: Administrators
- Remove groups from own account: Administrators and Bureaucrats
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Wiki Factory[]
Wiki Factory users are those who work with Wikia settings. They have the following rights:
- Adjust wiki settings and extensions (wikifactory)
Wikia Helpers[]
Wikia Helpers are users who volunteer to help out Wikia Staff. They have the following rights:
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass automatic blocks of proxies (proxyunbannable)
- Can display background tasks (taskmanager)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Create and edit Platinum badges (platinum)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Delete comments on blog articles (blog-comments-delete)
- Delete many pages at one Wikia, or one page on many Wikia (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit a page on many wikis at once (multiwikiedit)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit other users' CSS files (editusercss)
- Edit other users' JavaScript files (edituserjs)
- Edit pages (edit)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- InterwikiEdit (InterwikiEdit)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Remove a user's avatar icon (removeavatar)
- Remove messages from the ShoutBox widget (shoutboxremove)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Toggle comments on blog articles (blog-comments-toggle)
- Unblock themselves (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View user edits across all Wikia (lookupcontribs)
- achievements-exempt (achievements-exempt)
- admindashboard (admindashboard)
- blog-articles-protect (blog-articles-protect)
- commentdelete (commentdelete)
- createwikilimitsexempt (createwikilimitsexempt)
- deleteprofilev3 (deleteprofilev3)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- editwallarchivedpages (editwallarchivedpages)
- forum (forum)
- forumadmin (forumadmin)
- forumoldedit (forumoldedit)
- licensedvideoswap (licensedvideoswap)
- marketingtoolbox (marketingtoolbox)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- multiwikifinder (multiwikifinder)
- notifyeveryone (notifyeveryone)
- performancestats (performancestats)
- promote (promote)
- renameprofilev3 (renameprofilev3)
- scavengerhunt (scavengerhunt)
- specialvideosdelete (specialvideosdelete)
- themedesigner (themedesigner)
- unblockable (unblockable)
- walladmindelete (walladmindelete)
- wallarchive (wallarchive)
- walledit (walledit)
- welcomeexempt (welcomeexempt)
- wikifeatures (wikifeatures)
- Add groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators and Bureaucrats
- Remove groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators and Bureaucrats
Wiki Representatives[]
- Access to administration tasks (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-admin)
- Access wiki analytics (analytics)
- Allows access to Special:SendEmail (access-sendemail)
- Allows access to wiki admin tools, via Special:AdminDashboard (admindashboard)
- Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification)
- Allows for editing FandomMobile.css and FandomMobile.js (edit-fandommobile-customizations)
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass all abusefilters (abusefilter-bypass)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Cannot be blocked (unblockable)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create interactive maps (createinteractivemap)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Create wiki-wide announcements (announcements)
- Delete and undelete specific log entries (deletelogentry)
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
- Delete interactive maps (deleteinteractivemap)
- Delete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit access to maintain allowed regular expressions and patterns (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-patternedit)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit interactive maps (editinteractivemap)
- Edit interwiki data (interwiki)
- Edit pages (edit)
- Edit pages protected as "Block new and unregistered users" (editsemiprotected)
- Edit protected pages (without cascading protection) (editprotected)
- Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
- Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
- Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Exempt from site-wide action restrictions (protectsite-exempt)
- Find pages on many wikis (multiwikifinder)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- InterwikiEdit (InterwikiEdit)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
- Manage marker reports (moderateinteractivemap)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Merge the history of pages (mergehistory)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move interactive maps (moveinteractivemap)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Protect blog articles (blog-articles-protect)
- Quickly grant rights when approving adoption requests (quickadopt)
- Quickly revert and delete spam and vandalism (quicktools)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Unblock themselves (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- User is ineligible to earn achievement points (achievements-exempt)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- View title blacklist log (titleblacklistlog)
- View user edits across all Wikia (lookupcontribs)
- articlecomments:delete (articlecomments:delete)
- articlecomments:suppress (articlecomments:suppress)
- articlecomments:validate (articlecomments:validate)
- articlecomments:viewhidden (articlecomments:viewhidden)
- createwikilimitsexempt (createwikilimitsexempt)
- curatedcontent (curatedcontent)
- disablecomments (disablecomments)
- discussionslog:view (discussionslog:view)
- dumpsondemand (dumpsondemand)
- dumpsondemandrequest (dumpsondemandrequest)
- edithub (edithub)
- editinterfacetrusted (editinterfacetrusted)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- editwidget (editwidget)
- forums:create (forums:create)
- forums:delete (forums:delete)
- forums:displayorder (forums:displayorder)
- forums:edit (forums:edit)
- forums:viewhidden (forums:viewhidden)
- hideblockername (hideblockername)
- leaderboard:view (leaderboard:view)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- moderatorTools:use (moderatorTools:use)
- performancestats (performancestats)
- posts:delete (posts:delete)
- posts:deleteall (posts:deleteall)
- posts:lock (posts:lock)
- posts:superedit (posts:superedit)
- posts:suppress (posts:suppress)
- posts:validate (posts:validate)
- posts:viewhidden (posts:viewhidden)
- protectsite-nolimit (protectsite-nolimit)
- removeavatar (removeavatar)
- restricted_promote (restricted_promote)
- schedule-update-special-pages (schedule-update-special-pages)
- themedesigner (themedesigner)
- threads:delete (threads:delete)
- threads:lock (threads:lock)
- threads:move (threads:move)
- threads:superedit (threads:superedit)
- threads:suppress (threads:suppress)
- threads:viewhidden (threads:viewhidden)
- wikiconfig (wikiconfig)
- wikidomainconfig (wikidomainconfig)
- wikifeatures (wikifeatures)
- Add groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators, Bureaucrats, content-moderator and Moderators
- Remove groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators, Bureaucrats, content-moderator and Moderators
Wiki Specialists[]
- Access to administration tasks (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-admin)
- Access wiki analytics (analytics)
- Allows access to Special:SendEmail (access-sendemail)
- Allows access to wiki admin tools, via Special:AdminDashboard (admindashboard)
- Allows classifying multiple templates at once (template-bulk-classification)
- Allows for editing FandomMobile.css and FandomMobile.js (edit-fandommobile-customizations)
- Block a user from sending e-mail (blockemail)
- Block other users from editing (block)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Bypass all abusefilters (abusefilter-bypass)
- Can manage global blocks and spam filters (phalanx)
- Cannot be blocked (unblockable)
- Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create interactive maps (createinteractivemap)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Create wiki-wide announcements (announcements)
- Delete and undelete specific log entries (deletelogentry)
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
- Delete interactive maps (deleteinteractivemap)
- Delete many pages on a single wiki, or one page across many wikis (multidelete)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit access to maintain allowed regular expressions and patterns (Semantic MediaWiki) (smw-patternedit)
- Edit blog articles (blog-articles-edit)
- Edit interactive maps (editinteractivemap)
- Edit interwiki data (interwiki)
- Edit pages (edit)
- Edit pages protected as "Block new and unregistered users" (editsemiprotected)
- Edit protected pages (without cascading protection) (editprotected)
- Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
- Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
- Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
- Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
- Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
- Edit the user interface (editinterface)
- Exempt from Phalanx rules (phalanxexempt)
- Exempt from site-wide action restrictions (protectsite-exempt)
- Find pages on many wikis (multiwikifinder)
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- InterwikiEdit (InterwikiEdit)
- Limit actions that can be preformed for some groups for a limited time (protectsite)
- Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
- Manage marker reports (moderateinteractivemap)
- Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Merge the history of pages (mergehistory)
- Move blog articles (blog-articles-move)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move interactive maps (moveinteractivemap)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Override the title blacklist (tboverride)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Protect blog articles (blog-articles-protect)
- Quickly grant rights when approving adoption requests (quickadopt)
- Quickly revert and delete spam and vandalism (quicktools)
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Unblock themselves (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Upload files (upload)
- Upload files from a URL (upload_by_url)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- User is ineligible to earn achievement points (achievements-exempt)
- View IP actions across all Wikia (multilookup)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- View title blacklist log (titleblacklistlog)
- View user edits across all Wikia (lookupcontribs)
- articlecomments:delete (articlecomments:delete)
- articlecomments:suppress (articlecomments:suppress)
- articlecomments:validate (articlecomments:validate)
- articlecomments:viewhidden (articlecomments:viewhidden)
- createwikilimitsexempt (createwikilimitsexempt)
- curatedcontent (curatedcontent)
- disablecomments (disablecomments)
- discussionslog:view (discussionslog:view)
- dumpsondemand (dumpsondemand)
- dumpsondemandrequest (dumpsondemandrequest)
- edithub (edithub)
- editinterfacetrusted (editinterfacetrusted)
- editprofilev3 (editprofilev3)
- editwidget (editwidget)
- forums:create (forums:create)
- forums:delete (forums:delete)
- forums:displayorder (forums:displayorder)
- forums:edit (forums:edit)
- forums:viewhidden (forums:viewhidden)
- hideblockername (hideblockername)
- leaderboard:view (leaderboard:view)
- mcachepurge (mcachepurge)
- moderatorTools:use (moderatorTools:use)
- performancestats (performancestats)
- posts:delete (posts:delete)
- posts:deleteall (posts:deleteall)
- posts:lock (posts:lock)
- posts:superedit (posts:superedit)
- posts:suppress (posts:suppress)
- posts:validate (posts:validate)
- posts:viewhidden (posts:viewhidden)
- protectsite-nolimit (protectsite-nolimit)
- removeavatar (removeavatar)
- restricted_promote (restricted_promote)
- schedule-update-special-pages (schedule-update-special-pages)
- themedesigner (themedesigner)
- threads:delete (threads:delete)
- threads:lock (threads:lock)
- threads:move (threads:move)
- threads:superedit (threads:superedit)
- threads:suppress (threads:suppress)
- threads:viewhidden (threads:viewhidden)
- wikiconfig (wikiconfig)
- wikidomainconfig (wikidomainconfig)
- wikifeatures (wikifeatures)
- Add groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators, Bureaucrats, content-moderator and Moderators
- Remove groups: rollback, Bots, Administrators, Bureaucrats, content-moderator and Moderators
Wikia Stars[]
Wikia Stars are users who have the Wikia Stars label. They have the following rights:
- displaywikiastarslabel (displaywikiastarslabel)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Wikia Utilities[]
Wikia Utilities members are those who have extra abilities compared to regular staff. They have the following rights:
- Can display background tasks (taskmanager)
- Can manage background tasks (taskmanager-action)
- Check user's IP addresses and other information (checkuser)
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages (deleterevision)
- Edit all user rights (userrights)
- Look up user preferences (lookupuser)
- Review and restore revisions hidden from administrators (suppressrevision)
- View private logs (suppressionlog)
- View the checkuser log (checkuser-log)
- messagetool (messagetool)
- piggyback (piggyback)
- powerdelete (powerdelete)
- quickadopt (quickadopt)
- quicktools (quicktools)
- walldelete (walldelete)
They also have the same rights as other Users.
Wikiawidget users have the following rights:
- wikiawidget (wikiawidget)